Lessons from the front lines in Canada’s restorative justice experiment: The experience of sentencing judges

Megan Stephens interviewed Ontario judges on restorative justice processes, which offer a contextual approach to resolving the aftermath of a crime. Data from the interviews provide a candid in-depth look at obstacles to effective implementation, from heavy caseloads to current structural limitations to lack of political support. Key to success is a “new governance” approach emphasizing input from non-legal actors and a commitment to collecting systematic data on what works. Stephens, Megan (2007).Lessons From the Front Lines in Canada’s Restorative Justice Experiment: The Experience of Sentencing Judges.Queen’s Law Journal. 33(1):19-78. http://mike.rivait.net/Files_Otober1_2008/Article7-ExperienceofSentencingJudges.pdf