RJ and human rights

January 7, 2013

 Community Justice Initiative B.C.
Watch “Restorative Justice Is The LAW” online.

There is no doubt that human rights will play a growing role in the justice discussion in Canada.  Here is a link to a 48 minute video from Heartspeak Production featuring a number of very prominent west coast RJ advocates. http://www.cjibc.org/~youth43/?q=node/108

 Chris Cunneen  from James Cook University – Cairns Institute; University of New South Wales (UNSW) – Faculty of Law – 2012
 Restorative Justice, Globalisation and the Logic of Empire

Abstract:  The purpose of this chapter is twofold. First, to explore more fully the relationship between restorative justice and what is here termed the ‘logic of empire,’ by examining the role of restorative justice in neoliberal crime control strategies and the broader role played by these strategies in reproducing a particular cultural logic or hegemonic norm about the nature of offending and victimization. Second, to consider the role of restorative justice in the global exchange of crime control strategies, with particular attention paid to the place of restorative justice in achieving justice in transitional societies. The author argues that the universal good that restorative justice promises is firmly captured within a very particular set of processes, which can be understood more generally as neoliberal approaches to crime control. Thus, to the extent that neoliberalism dominates a new globalised world order, restorative justice takes its place without any significant challenge to the values that underpin the new order. Download of the paper available at:  http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2196663

 Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – Restorative Justice and its Implications for Community

This webcast is presented through the Government of Alberta, Canada. The Restorative Justice Panel will feature Judge Peter Ayotte. January 18, 2013, 9 am – 11 am.  Register at: http://www.research4children.com/admin/contentx/default.cfm?PageId=10000447

Sheffield (UK) Star –
Sheffield community groups get together to tackle gangs

SJN is hearing repeatedly that community bonding or adhesion is at the root of preventative crime measures.  This story comes from a visit by government officials to find out why this region was not involved in the recent riots.  The answer is strikingly simple: they meet and discuss how to help steer the youth in the community and they provide alternatives.  http://www.thestar.co.uk/community/useful-info/sheffield-community-groups-get-together-to-tackle-gangs-1-5284752 

 London Evening Standard –
London crime gangs turning to stun guns bought on internet for as little as £60

While we are concerned in North America with guns and gangs, the UK has a new menace to confront – the availability of stun guns – stronger than police issue – from the internet. http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/london-crime-gangs-turning-to-stun-guns-bought-on-internet-for-as-little-as-60-8440640.html

Commonweal Magazine – John Schwenkler
The restorative power of forgiveness

This article is a follow-up to the previous links on the Grosmaire family in Florida whose daughter was murdered by her fiancé.  The family interceded, quite unusually, in the pre-trial process and turned to RJ practices for healing.  SJN includes some other links to the same story. http://www.commonwealmagazine.org/blog/?p=22606

NY Times link:  http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/06/magazine/can-forgiveness-play-a-role-in-criminal-justice.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1& 

Duke University Law Library link: http://dukelawref.blogspot.ca/2013/01/restorative-justice-in-action.html

Alternate Dispute Mechanism Law professor’s Blog – Restorative Justice for Murder? http://www.indisputably.org/?p=4239