RJ and the coffee pot

 Sept. 15, 2013

 Times Live (Zaire) – Nashira Davids
The office peace corps

 Somewhat tongue-in-cheek with a why-not? flavour, Davids recounts the application of RJ to disputes and tensions coming from the use of the coffee pot at the office.  The team, consisting of a psychologist and social workers, took the practices from the crime scene to the scene of a worker who refused to clean up a mess at the coffee machine and much of the staff took sides as the problem escalated.  No coffee pot problem?  What about RJ for the work place and union negotiations?  http://www.timeslive.co.za/thetimes/2013/09/13/the-office-peace-corps

 Herald Sun (Melbourne, Australia)
Inmates may be freed to live in caravans to ease prison overcrowding 

 We would call them trailers but they are the latest solution to prison over-crowding for Australia.  To be viewed as a privilege and to include those nearing the end of sentence, the over crowding is severe enough to create a backlog even in local police cells.  http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/law-order/inmates-may-be-freed-to-live-in-caravans-to-ease-prison-overcrowding/story-fni0ffnk-1226718863380

 McGill University Event
Mental Health Disabilities and Access to Justice: Recognizing and Reinforcing Capacity 

 More info:  http://www.mcgill.ca/humanrights/events/disability-seminar-series

(RSVP by November 1st to secure your spot and receive the reading materials)  Email: chrlp.law@mcgill.ca

Guardian (UK)
Social investment: guidance and guardian angels

 Recent research in London (England) says that loans secured against buildings make up 90% of the UK social investment market.  Cash or money in exchange for shares makes up less than 3%.  Given that most social enterprises do not own buildings and do not generate enough profit to pay loans, there are some changes coming.  http://www.theguardian.com/social-enterprise-network/2013/sep/13/social-investment-angel-investors

 Leader Post (Regina) – John Gormley
Welcome hefty sentence for a vile killer

 Travis Baumgartner, the man who shot three co-workers and seriously wounded a fourth, has been sentenced to forty years without chance of parole.  The sentence is the stiffest in Canadian history and is the first exercise of consecutive rather than concurrent sentencing practices. http://www.leaderpost.com/news/Welcome+hefty+sentence+vile+killer/8907063/story.html

International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP) (US)
CSF Buxmont starts school year setting “norms” with student circle

The school is the demonstration program for the IIRP graduate program.  The first day of school the students meet in circles and decide what the “norms” or rules are going to be for the year.  Check up the adventure!  http://restorativeworks.net/2013/09/csf-buxmont-starts-school-year-setting-norms-student-circles/?utm_source=SaferSanerSchools+News+September+2013&utm_campaign=SaferSanerSchools+News+September+2013&utm_medium=email

 CTV News
Toronto cop cleared in fatal shooting; judge calls it accidental 

Judges have called the shooting of a suspect in the process of serving a search warrant accidental and dismissed the second degree murder change against Constable David Cavanaugh in the death of Eric Osawe.  The incident from three years ago saw the case and the exact change bounce up and down through the courts.  http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-cop-cleared-in-fatal-shooting-judge-calls-it-accidental-1.1452352#ixzz2emYi9RRa

 Baltimore Sun (US) – Justin Fenton and Yvonne Wenger
Baltimore curfew push questioned by ACLU, police union

 Prompted by reported success in California, city fathers are looking to set the curfew for Baltimore’s youth earlier.  Critics – the ACLU and the police union –  say that curfews lead to selective enforcement and there is no evidence, even in California, that curfews reduce youth crime.  Parents can be fined $300 for violations but the new law moves the penalty to $500.http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-baltimore-curfew-questioned-20130911,0,2571552.story#ixzz2emb1MxtH 

 Freelance Star (Fredericksburg, VA) – Cathy Dyson
Group helps former inmates 

 Here’s an idea that may be helpful.  A local group works to organize an evening to bring out recently released inmates and their families to meet with all the service agencies that help with re-entry of ex-offenders.  This council is one of 42 state-wide councils.  The council also follow-up with the ex-offender to see if the services were helpful.  http://news.fredericksburg.com/newsdesk/2013/09/07/group-helps-former-inmates  

 Toronto Star – David Bruser
The shooting of Justin, Part 1

 Saturday’s Star starts a three part series on a middle class young man, Justin Ling-Leblanc, who became a small time drug dealer and discovered too late the dangers lurking around the trade.  http://www.thestar.com/news/investigations/2013/09/13/the_shooting_of_justin_part_1.html