Beginning another way…

 Feb. 23, 2014

 Smart Justice Network of Canada

Police and community Partnerships National Symposium

March 26, 27, 2014 – National Arts Center, Ottawa


Pacific Business and Law Institute, in partnership with Smart Justice Network Canada,  is pleased to draw your attention to a potential solution to funding and evidence based response to the justice system. 

Molly Baldwin, CEO and founder of Roca in Boston, MA, is one of the resource persons at the symposium.  Roca is a leading agency for alternate funding of social programs.   Innovative and promising agencies can attract funding by combining two types of appeal: first, Pay-for-success and second, social impact bonding.  Roca has been working in the area of juvenile recidivism for some years.  The plan is that Roca will ask for investments – there really aren’t any bonds – to cover the start up and operational costs of a plan to reduce the recidivism rate and when the success is achieved the state will pay according to the criteria established in the proposal and contract. 

The link will take you to a downloadable 34 page pdf published by the Rockfeller Foundation and Third Sector Capital Partners, the investment firm working with Ms Baldwin at Roca Inc. 

A second and equally innovative resource person has been recognized throughout Massachusetts for his approach and success in the area of positive policing in public housing.  Captain Keith Houghton,, Chelsea Police Department, Chelsea, Mass., was recognized by the FBI for innovative police strategy.  His bio is found also on the faculty page of the link to register below.  

Ms Baldwin’s bio:  Info and registration for the symposium:   Symposium Contact:  Pauline Cusack

 Daily Reporter (Indiana) – Associated Press
Colorado prison director promises prisoner segregation reform after night in isolation

Colorado’s new Director of the Department of Corrections was locked up in solitary for one night, an experiment he said left him “feeling twitchy and paranoid.”  Rich Raemisch endured solitary for about 20 hours while the average in Colorado is 23 months, some as much as 20 years.  He wrote an op-ed piece for the N. Y. Times on the experience.   Related article:  N. Y. Times – Rick Raemisch  My Night in Solitary

 Savannah  – Paul Fisher
Commentary: Innovative effort to attack Savannah’s poverty, crime at its roots shows promise 

Want to solve crime as a social ill?  Savannah’s service clubs have spent three years studying the issue and have concluded that improving parent skills when a child is aged from birth to three years is your best chance.  Savannah Early Childhood Foundation (SECF) has established as a goal to have all children ready for school by delivering parenting skills programs in all nine city districts.  Parents’ University Early Learning College will offer an age appropriate session each year for the three year target period.  

 Vancouver Observer

Addressing Mental Health and Addiction in Canada’s Federal Offenders       Speaker: Howard Sapers, the Correctional Investigator of Canada   Feb 24th, 2014 at 7:00pm  Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre, Goldcrop Centre for the Arts, 149 West Hastings St.  Vancouver   The event is free but pre-registration is required.   Register here: