Poverty and crime…

   Mar 12, 2014

 Star Phoenix – (Regina, SK) – Betty Ann Adam
Province needs poverty reduction strategy, groups say 

 Jorgina Sunn knows the connection between poverty and crime.  She knows the impact on impoverished and struggling people, especially the addicted, when told to wait 45 days for support.  So she wonders why not build treatment centres and services rather than prisons?  “The Poverty Costs campaign says poverty costs Saskatchewan $3.9 billion per year in heightened health care costs, a busier criminal justice system and foregone contributions to the province’s economy.”  Another participant, Saskatoon Chief of Police Clive Weighill said children growing up in poverty live with despair. http://www.thestarphoenix.com/business/Province+needs+poverty+reduction+strategy+groups/9602124/story.html    Related article: Star Phoenix – Jason Warick    Poverty costs Sask. $3.8 billion annually: study   http://www.thestarphoenix.com/business/Poverty+costs+Sask+billion+annually+study/9460965/story.html   Related article:  Global Toronto – Aaron Streck  Coalition launches campaign to reduce poverty in Saskatchewan  http://globalnews.ca/news/1199406/coalition-launches-campaign-to-reduce-poverty-in-saskatchewan    Poverty Costs website: http://pover-upstream.nationbuilder.com 

 Kitchener-Waterloo Record – Paige Desmond
Elmira vandalism spree lead to restorative justice movement 

 In 1974, two drunken teenagers went through Elmira, ON, damaging 22 homes.  One of the teens, Russ Kelly, identified himself after a guest speaker 28 years later described the birth of restorative justice to his law and administration class at Conestoga College.  Kelly volunteered for the RJ program after that class and now will help with a film celebrating the 40th anniversary of what became known as the Elmira Story.   http://www.therecord.com/news-story/4407394-elmira-vandalism-spree-lead-to-restorative-justice-movement  

 End Immigration Detention (Canada)
Enough is Enough! Rally to End Immigration Detention and Enforcement

 The web sites, including the 1 1/2 minute video, are in support of eliminating immigration detention.  In some cases the detention is indefinite such that human rights, as well as families, are floundering in the process.  Supporters are insisting that no detention should endure for more than 90 days.  The site also provides updates on cases such as the Jimenez suicide in Vancouver.  http://endimmigrationdetention.com/2014/03/11/video-enough-is-enough-rally-to-end-immigration-detention-and-enforcement  

 Seattle Times – Guest Abe Bergman
Finding the will to treat people with mental illness 

 Bergman notes the proclivity for closing mental treatment facilities for lack of money despite the constant reporting of horrific crimes by the mentally ill and the impact of their crimes on the victims.  Bergman says it’s not the money but the will to provide a vital public service.  He knows.  His son has been arrested four times and spent two stints in a psychiatric hospital.  No one injured yet but the future is scary in the face of a lack of public will power and under these circumstances.  http://seattletimes.com/html/opinion/2023105150_abebergmanopedmentalhealth12xml.html

 Huffington Post – Bob Albratch
The Leading Edge of Peace: Our Evolutionary Path Forward 

 The guest editorial is from the executive director of the US based Peace Alliance who are advocating for a federal department of peace.  He points out the numerous developments across the United States that illustrate (with links) that violence and conflict are not inevitable and that we are growing in tools to sustain peace.   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/matthew-albracht/the-leading-edge-of-peace_b_4942207.html?utm_hp_ref=impact&ir=Impact  

 New York Times – Eduardo Porter
A Relentless Widening of Disparity in Wealth 

 Porter reviews the latest book from Professor Thomas Pikett ( Capital in the Twenty-First Century ) of the Paris School of Economics.  Contrary to the popular belief that the market forces will cause the income inequality to stabilize and subside on its own, Pikett insists that without major political action, the inequality is here for long term and the gap will widen more.  http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/12/business/economy/a-relentless-rise-in-unequal-wealth.html?_r=0   Related article:  Nerdwallet Finance – Kevin Voigt    Income Inequality: Obama Seeks to Extend Overtime Pay to White-Collar Workers   http://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/finance/2014/income-inequality-obama-seeks-extend-overtime-pay-whitecollar-workers    Related article: N.Y. Times – Michael D. Shear and Steven Greenhouse    Obama Will Seek Broad Expansion of Overtime Pay  http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/12/us/politics/obama-will-seek-broad-expansion-of-overtime-pay.html?_r=1