What lies beneath…

 May 18, 2014

 Toronto Star – Robert Cribb
Canadians stunned to learn they have police records, despite never being found guilty 

 Canadians who had a friend investigated, who turned in a 911 call, and did other innocent things that brought them to the attention of the police may be surprised when they apply for a screening of a police good conduct, especially under the vulnerable sector.  No charges, no interview, just named in a drug investigation and the application to be a part time firefighter in small town Caledon was refused after months of week-end training.  http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2014/05/17/i_had_no_idea.html  Related article:  Toronto Star – Robert Cribb  No charges, no trial, but presumed guilty    http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/05/17/no_charges_no_trial_but_presumed_guilty.print.html   Related article:  Toronto Star Editorial    Ontario needs rules for use of police records   http://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorials/2014/05/16/ontario_needs_rules_for_use_of_police_records_editorial.print.html    Related report  (96 page downloadable pdf): Canadian Civil Liberties Association     False promises, hidden costs: the case for reframing employment and volunteer police record check practices in Canada    (Executive Summary on p. 5 with recommendations)  http://www.ccla.org/recordchecks/falsepromises   Related Article:  Canadian Civil Liberties Association    Major Reform of Police Record Check Practices Necessary, Report Argues   http://ccla.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Press-release.pdf    Related article:  John Howard Society of Ontario A 50 page downloadable pdf focusing n the impact on youth):  Help Wanted:  Reducing Barriers for Ontario’s Youth with Police Records   http://johnhoward.on.ca/help-wanted/johnhoward-ontario-help-wanted.pdf

 CBC News
Number of murdered, missing aboriginal women surprises top Mountie    Commissioner Bob Paulson says RCMP has no authority to call a national public inquiry 

Confirming the number of murdered or missing Aboriginal women at 1181 the RCMP says that Aboriginal women are four times as likely to be victims of homicide,  There are 225 cases unresolved – 120 believed to be homicide and 105 missing – even though the resolved Aboriginal cases are at almost the same rate as the general population.  http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/number-of-murdered-missing-aboriginal-women-surprises-top-mountie-1.2645674  Related article:  CTV News    Support growing for national inquiry into missing women http://www.ctvnews.ca/video?playlistId=1.1824674   Both CBC and CTV have additional links)  RCMP Report (23 page downloadable pdf)   Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women: A NATIONAL OPERATIONAL OVERVIEW    http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/pubs/mmaw-faapd-eng.pdf

 Globe and Mail – Jacqueline Nelson
Food fight: Rising income disparity and the struggle for higher wages 

 Nelson draws out the income gap through a recent day of action by the fast food restaurant workers in the US who stayed away from work for one to draw attention to their financial plight, even when they have several jobs at once, but especially when they are underemployed.  Though international in scope, Canada was not part of the day of action.  “A global risk report from the World Economic Forum this year found income disparity the “most likely risk to cause an impact on a global scale in the next decade.”  http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/international-business/food-fight-rising-income-disparity-and-the-struggle-for-higher-wages/article18706593/?cmpid=rss1

 UNESCO Chair in Applied Research for Education in Prison
Current Overview of Education in Prisons around the World 

 The Newsletter has first a number of references to recently published work around higher educational issues.  There are included reports on Argentina, and on higher education and teacher education at a recent Paris gathering of UNESCO.  Also efforts to put RJ back on the agenda and a report on the involvement of Association pour la recherche collégiale (ARC) in Quebec.   Susan Haines of NAACJ defines the UNESCO role as a breakthrough in according prisoners a vulnerable status as far as higher education goes.  She says:  “The mission of the UNESCO Chair in applied research for education in prison is to promote, stimulate, and encourage applied research on various aspects of correctional education and to foster more in-depth consideration and concrete actions in this matter on an international level.”   http://www.cmv-educare.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/CMV-758_Infolettre_Vol3_No1_ANG_v3_4.pdf

 Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) – Rachel Olding
Prison population explosion could lead to two new jails per year

 This past year, 2013, there was a 13% increase in the number of prisoners in New South Wales.  This year, the authorities anticipate a further 17% increase as new laws requiring mandatory prison sentences begin.  At this rate, NSW will need two new prisons with a capacity of 2,000 each per year to cope.  Politicians are calling the development a “win for community safety.”    http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/prison-population-explosion-could-lead-to-two-new-jails-per-year-20140515-zrdbs.html#ixzz31t4s398z  

 Forbes Magazine – Jesse Colombo
It’s Never Been Easier To Build This Little-Known Type of Wealth 

 The article contrasts financial wealth and social capital and suggest how each is usually acquired, though social capital and methods of securing it for use remains less well known.  Colombo defines social capital as “capital that is derived from the value of social connections or networks.”  It’s who you know!  The author lists out his nine advantages of social capital as well.  http://www.forbes.com/sites/jessecolombo/2014/05/16/its-never-been-easier-to-build-this-little-known-type-of-wealth  

 Tikkun Magazine
Special section on RJ

 The Jewish quarterly, whose name refers to the feast of healing what is wrong in the world, has devoted an entire section on issues around the practice of RJ.  The material deals with conflict, plea deals, healing.  Well known author/advocate Kay Pranis has a commentary on The Restorative Impulse.  http://www.tikkun.org/nextgen/winter-2012-table-of-contents