Red flags…

   June 11, 2014

 Toronto Star – Editorial
Red flags over Canada’s approach to detaining migrants who pose a flight risk

 Canada appears to endorse ‘endless detention’ for failed refuges whom some immigration officials fear will not show up for some future hearing or removal but will go underground.  Most countries – US, Britain, and most of the European Union – limit the detention to three to six months maximum.  Critics of the policy say that the process suffers from political interference, growing numbers of failed refuge hearings, and that the process lacks fairness, transparency and consistency. 

 Globe and Mail – Campbell Scott 
Canadian prostitution laws a no-win, poll shows

 An Angus Reid poll for the Globe and Mail is suggesting that Canadians are not, in fact, opposed to legalizing prostitution, either the buying or the selling of sex.  When the numbers break down, there is a gender divide but there is also a wide political gap which says that no one can win politically.  Likewise, there is every likelihood that the new law would be challenged constitutionally and for compliance with the SCC directives for correction.   Related article:  Toronto Star – Heather Mallick    Why did prostitution bill go off the rails?: Mallick    Related article:  Globe and Mail   Christine Wilson    Trust me, this prostitution law won’t help hookers 

 CBC News – Mark Gallom
Moncton shootings: The challenge of detaining someone who poses a risk 

 Every province has its own rules regarding the detention of persons who may harm themselves or others.  In the Moncton shooting of the three RCMP constables, the father of the accused shooter Jason Bourque told reporters that he had tried to get help but police concluded that there was nothing they could do about that situation.

 National Newswatch – Jim Bronskill, Canadian Press
Cyberbullying bill concerns privacy czar 

 The critics see a need to divide the cyberbullying bill into to two bills, one about cyberbullying and one about the access of a growing circle to otherwise private data.  The newly appointed privacy czar, once a government planner around the issues, supports the proposed change.  Dennis Therrien says that the new elements “would dangerously lower the proposed threshold for allowing access to personal data, and broaden the range of officials who could use the information beyond police to include mayors, sheriffs, reeves and even airline pilots.”  Anyone who provides information would also get immunity from legal recourse.   Related article:  Toronto Star     Robert Cribb    All three parties vow to protect innocent Ontarians from police disclosures 

 Toronto Star – Wendy Gillis 
Mental health cells full when Zlatko Sego arrived at Don Jail, inquest hears 

 An inquest into the death of Zlatko Sego at the Don Jail has been told by the booking sergeant that the mental health needs of the inmate were recognized but that due to over-crowding there was no “special needs” cell available for him.  Previously, the nurse on duty testified that there were too many booked that night and that Sego was one of 25, the only one with whom she did not conduct an entry interview even though she worked overtime that night.  When Sego arrived at the Don Jail, now closed, his prescriptions were also missing.  

CBC News
Trinity Western law school’s approval reversed by B.C. lawyers  

 The Benchers of the BC Law Society have voted (3210 to 968) to refuse to accept accreditation of grads of Trinity’s newly established law school, following the example of the Ontario and Nova Scotia lawyers.  While the vote is non-binding on the law society, it will be difficult to ignore the over three-to-one ratio.  The controversy revolves around a covenant by applicants to refrain from sex outside the context of a heterosexual married relationship.  Critics say the covenant is discriminatory.   

 The Crime Report (US) – Ted Gest
Blue-Ribbon National Panel to Tackle Crime-Stats Issues 

 In the US, both the FBI and the Bureau of Justice periodically produce crime statistics, only to find the results at least somewhat at odds.  The most frequent problem appears to be that even major commentators at the federal level wind up using out of date information.  The panel’s mandate is to “assess and make recommendations for the development of a modern set of crime measures in the United States and the best means for obtaining them.”  The panel reports in 2016.  

 Op-Ed News (US) – Seymour Patterson
Minimum Wage, Unemployment Benefits, and Income Inequality Connection

 The income gap discussion is often bordered by fear that increases to minimum wages will cause higher unemployment.  Likewise, the fear of extending long range unemployment benefits is prompted by fear of higher unemployment.  Patterson thinks that ways to increase the buying power of the lower income group is a preferred option.