Hearings on prostitution law…

  July 7, 2014

 CTV News
Prostitution hearings prompt special summer parliament session 

Monday, July 7, will see a special meeting of the House Justice Committee for hearings on the prostitution bill, the replacement for the one struck down by the SCC.  There are some 60 witnesses to be heard over 20 hours – the hearing closes on Thursday morning – creating a very pressed opportunity at best.  Minister Peter MacKay will not accept delay or postponement, or a request to the SCC for an extension on the December time limit.  http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/prostitution-hearings-prompt-special-summer-parliament-session-1.1901095  Related article:  CBC News- Canadian Press    Peter MacKay open to amendments to proposed prostitution law    http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/peter-mackay-open-to-amendments-to-proposed-prostitution-law-1.2695776

 CBC News
Mental health police on the beat in Saskatoon – Newly formed team targets mental illness calls 

Saskatoon police say that they field about 5,000 calls each year around mental health needs.  With a grant of $250,000 from the health department, the Police and Crisis Team (PACT) has been established with the goal of getting the right help for those with mental health emergencies.  The trained police officer responds with a mental health crisis worker.  Plans are underway for a second team in September. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/mental-health-police-on-the-beat-in-saskatoon-1.2696258   Related article: The Star Phoenix:     Good approach to crisis calls    http://www.thestarphoenix.com/health/Good+approach+crisis+calls/9999799/story.html

 CBC News
OxyContin and other opioids tied to 1 in 8 deaths in young adults, Ontario study shows  

Who would have suspected?  Researchers at St. Michael’s Hospital reviewed coroner’s reports for the last twenty to draw out opioid related deaths in the population.  One in eight deaths of youth (18-24) in Ontario is caused by abuse of prescription drugs, specifically pain killers, often prescribed initially for sports injury.   Data on opioid related deaths is not available for other jurisdictions but the researchers think the problem is all across Canada.  http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/oxycontin-and-other-opioids-tied-to-1-in-8-deaths-in-young-adults-ontario-study-shows-1.2696995

 N.Y. Times (Norfolk, MA)  – Dina Kraft
By Talking, Inmates and Victims Make Things ‘More Right’   

What next after restorative justice retreats in state prison with the toughies?  Massachusetts Correctional Institution at Norfolk, one of the state’s oldest prisons as well as its largest, with about 1,500 inmates, saw an assembly of inmates, victims, correctional officers, judges, prosecutors and advocates gather to talk about the horrendous crimes that brought them together.  Tears not surprising, even for the hardened long timers…   http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/06/us/by-talking-inmates-and-victims-make-things-more-right.html?emc=eta1&_r=0

 National Public Radio (NPR)  (US)
In Honduras, Gangs Tell Boys to Join or Be Killed 

This article is a transcript of a public radio program that helps explain why so many children are arriving on the southern boarders of the US from Honduras.  Honduras is the murder capital of the world in 2012 and the report comes from the capital where the children who know about the dangers en route of fleeing to the United States are more afraid of staying.  http://www.npr.org/2014/07/05/328793802/in-honduras-gangs-tell-boys-join-or-be-killed

 The Augusta Chronicle (Augusta, GA)   Associated Press
What wealth gap? Danish welfare narrows disparity 

The article is a report from Denmark around how the welfare system there is helping to reduce income inequality.  The wealth gap is the second lowest in the world.  Health and education are free, a generous pension plan, and housing allowances for the elderly are all part of the explanation.  Taxes are high to pay for it but public support for the tax system is also high in the light of a generous social safety cushion.  Last year a poll determined that 66% of the population is opposed to cuts to the welfare system!   http://chronicle.augusta.com/news/2014-07-05/what-wealth-gap-danish-welfare-narrows-disparity?v=1404591814

 Spaulding Guardian (UK)
Primary school students learn to stay safe 

Is safety for kids important?  Here’s a new approach.  A group of elementary schools brought together all their sixth grades for a two day session on staying safe that included first aid, on-line safety, water and rail safety, traffic safety and others.  The local fire department has a youth engagement officer to pull the multi-agency responders together.  http://www.spaldingtoday.co.uk/news/community/community-news/primary-school-students-learn-to-stay-safe-1-6161245