On transparency and gags…

  Aug. 13, 2014

 Global News – Amy Minsky
Gag order to be imposed on new RCMP transparency office 

Have we reached the height of silliness in this latest?  The Public Safety Department is revising the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission. The feds want to re-establish confidence in the RCMP and have formed a committee to plan the recovery by revising the commission but the members of the committee are to be sworn to secrecy, forever, it appears, in the transparency efforts.  http://globalnews.ca/news/1503146/gag-order-to-be-imposed-on-new-rcmp-transparenct-office

CTV News – Adam Miller, Canadian Press
Corrections officials withholding info on prescription practices: watchdog 

Correctional Investigator Howard Sapers has raised alarm about the failure of CSC officials to co-operate with investigations of the practices around prescribing drugs for inmates in the federal prison system.  Sapers says that CSC officials have released information to media but delays and refuses information to the Investigator’s Office.  Sapers’ investigation was launch in April when the press reported that 60% of female inmates are prescribed strong anti-psychotic drugs.   http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/corrections-officials-withholding-info-on-prescription-practices-watchdog-1.1956584#ixzz3AET1IlQo

 CBC News – Mark Gollam
Marijuana crime: Are police turning ‘a blind eye’ to pot charges? 

With the return to Canada from US prison of the ‘Prince of Pot’  Marc Emery, some are wondering if Canada’s police are downplaying incidents and ignoring pot possession.  Though a recent national survey showed that over 70% of the population want to marijuana laws changed, Stats Canada is reporting very little differences in the stats from 2009 to now.  SFU sociology professor Neil Boyd says possession is the new vagrancy charge.  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/marijuana-crime-are-police-turning-a-blind-eye-to-pot-charges-1.2733396    Related article:  Huffington Post (Canada) – Althia Raj    Why Jodie Emery, Wife of Marc Emery, Believes the Liberal Party Needs Her    http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/08/11/jodie-emery-liberals-marc-emery_n_5670384.html

 CBC News
Justice Department lawyers stretched thin, internal report finds 

In a review of the performance of the in-house lawyers conducted between November 2012 and December 2013, the justice department internal report concludes that “the section is achieving its expected outcomes using a limited amount of resources, though not in a manner that is sustainable.”  Besides failing to do adequate  research for framing laws of all sorts, the thin resource seems to have compromised provincial consultations and interactions with external stakeholders.   http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/justice-department-lawyers-stretched-thin-internal-report-finds-1.2733522

 International Business Times (AU) – Reissa Su
190 Experts Issue Collective Statement Accusing Australia of ‘Inhumane’ Treatment of Asylum Seekers  

Australia is in the middle of Human Rights hearings on its immigration / refugee detention practices around children in particular.  A protest signed by over 190 significant persons and organizations is insisting that the practice are encouraging self harm and suicide and are leaving permanent psychological damage on the child detainees.  http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/562323/20140812/asylum-seekers-australia.htm#.U-oTCmPc33s

 The Independent (UK) – Oliver Wright
Justice Secretary Chris Grayling’s policy ‘responsible for prisoner suicides’  

Britain’s Chief Inspector of Prisons has some harsh words for Justice Secretary Chris Greyling who is under attack for reducing prison to “death traps” by increasing crowding and prison population while implementing drastic budget cuts for operations and programs.  The prison system has had a spate of 18- 24 year old suicides and 88 people in England and Wales took their own lives in March alone.  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/justice-secretary-chris-graylings-policy-responsible-for-prisoner-suicides-9662758.html    Related article:  BBC News   Prison conditions contributing to suicides, inspector says   http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-28751910