“Those scars are mine…”

   Sept. 19, 2014

 Globe and Mail – Stu Jeffries as told to Dave McGinn
A father of three shares his story of childhood abuse and how to begin to forgive 

The author is a radio host on Boom 97.3 and puts into personal dimensions the reports of child abuse coming from the NFL.  Jeffries who is “the father of three beautiful boys,” struggled with fatherhood for fear that his own experiences would condemn him to failure.  His advice seems to cut to the heart of the matter:  “I’ve learned those scars are mine, and need to stay with me – not get passed along in the name of culture or a mentality that “it was good enough for my parents so it’s good enough for me.”    http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/parenting/breaking-the-cycle-of-abuse-i-hope-adrian-peterson-sees-the-scars/article20669110

 Toronto Star – Jesse McLean
”Feeble’ Health Canada can’t block dodgy drug imports

Apotex said no.  When Health Canada reacted to a ban by the US FDA around drugs manufactured in India and ordered the suspect drugs from the shelf, Apotex, one of the largest Canadian drug manufacturers and distributors in Canada, simply said no.  The problems identified by the Star investigation go beyond lax inspection and put the health of all Canadians at risk while Health Canada “tried to take action.”  http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/09/19/feeble_health_canada_cant_block_dodgy_drug_imports.html  Related article:  Toronto Star  Editorial (Sept. 19, 2014)    Canadians deserve to know about side effects in drug trials   http://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorials/2014/09/15/canadians_deserve_to_know_about_side_effects_in_drug_trials_editorial.html

 Toronto Star – Michael Geist
Ottawa’s disturbing appetite for Internet subscriber information  

Following a request for access to information by Montreal MP Irwin Cotler, documents reveal that the federal government is wildly inconsistent in both its requests for information around the internet and cell phones but also the record keeping around why and how frequently the requests were made is equally sloppy.  CSIS, CSEC and the Department of Defence were not very “forthcoming” in spite of the Spencer decision which Public Safety Canada says it is “still examining.”  http://www.thestar.com/business/tech_news/2014/09/19/ottawas_disturbing_appetite_for_internet_subscriber_information_geist.html

 Hamilton Spectator – Nicole O’Reilly
Six Nations fighting contraband tobacco legislation 

Six Nations is Canada’s largest reserve – 26,000 – and Chief Ava Hill says the tobacco industry generates 2,000 jobs in her community.  But Bill C-10, the Omnibus Crime Bill, makes it illegal to traffic unregulated tobacco products.  The Feds say that the law is to confront tobacco contraband and smuggling.  Making unregulated tobacco a criminal offense rather than an excise offense allows police forces other than the RCMP to enforce the law.  Says Chief Hill:  “It’s all about tax for them.”    http://www.thespec.com/news-story/4869371-six-nations-fighting-contraband-tobacco-legislation

 L. A. Times (US) –  Marisa Gerber
Mental illness program could transform L.A. County justice system   

At a cost of $756,000, the effort to divert the mentally ill out of the justice system for low level crime has eyes on a dramatic change for the entire justice system.  The diversion is to include transitional housing, medical treatment and job-hunting help.   The program extends 18 months, except in the case of misdemeanours when the program time is 90 days.  http://www.latimes.com/local/countygovernment/la-me-mental-health-courts-20140918-story.html   Related 3 part article: Straight.com (BC) – Travis Lupick     Part I   Vancouver service providers fail to get ahead of a mental-health crisis    http://www.straight.com/news/718971/vancouver-police-still-seeking-help-prevent-mental-health-crisis    Part II   Amid a mental-health crisis, Vancouver care providers revisit the debate on institutionalization   http://www.straight.com/news/727931/amid-mental-health-crisis-vancouver-care-providers-revisit-debate-institutionalization    Part III   Vancouver service providers fail to get ahead of a mental-health crisis    http://www.straight.com/news/732861/vancouver-service-providers-fail-get-ahead-mental-health-crisis

 Bloomberg Business Week –  Saleha Mohsin
To Solve Prison Crowding, Norway Goes Dutch 

Norway is known for treating prison inmates very well and for the lowest recidivism rate in Europe.  Unfortunately they are now 1,300 prison beds short – people convicted and sentenced to jail but with no place to put them.  Neighbouring Netherlands is closing 19 prisons so Norway plans to transfer some its surplus inmates who will remain nonetheless under Norwegian supervision.  http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-09-18/norway-exports-inmates-to-netherlands-to-solve-prison-crowding

 Opposing Views
FBI National Crime Reporting System to Include Animal Cruelty Crimes

Crime is not going to the dogs – it’s just going to include them in the US from now on.  The FBI has announced that cruelty to animals will be tracked and followed the same way as any other crime.  The new policy replaces just throwing cruelty to animals in an “other” category.   http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/animal-rights/animal-cruelty-crimes-be-added-fbi-national-crime-reporting-system#sthash.tF6wjwmQ.dpuf