Oct 25, 2014
CBC News – Katy O’Malley
Online hate speech could be curtailed under new anti-terror push – Move to target online postings could raise ire of free-speech advocates
Though lacking in detail, Canada may expect a new overhaul of the federal criminal code as respects the national security regime. The crux of the issues is between the expression of support for terrorist activity, the thought that may be the parent to the crime, on the one hand, and the actual deed on the other. How to provide for the rash exercise of enforcement and laws around these issues is a key as are the rights of all citizens to privacy. Critics are also wondering about the need for new laws given the present laws. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/online-hate-speech-could-be-curtailed-under-new-anti-terror-push-1.2811878 Related article: National Newswatch – Jim Bronskill, Canadian Press Anti-terror laws on books not being used http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/2014/10/24/as-feds-plan-new-anti-terror-laws-some-ask-why-current-ones-arent-being-used/#.VEvPGRbej3t Related article: National Post – John Ivison Conservatives’ new anti-terror laws likely to mirror ‘immensely controversial’ U.K. legislation http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/10/24/conservatives-new-anti-terror-laws-likely-to-mirror-immensely-controversial-u-k-legislation Related article: Toronto Star – Tonda MacCharles Tories hint at even tougher anti-terror laws http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/10/24/tories_hint_at_even_tougher_antiterror_laws.html Canada.com – Stephen Maher, Postmedia News After Ottawa attacks, Harper government’s intelligence agenda a cause for worry http://www.canada.com/news/Maher+After+Ottawa+attacks+Harper+government+intelligence/10322785/story.html Related article: National Post – Jonathan Kay Did one man’s attack on Parliament really change Canada ‘forever’? http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2014/10/24/jonathan-kay-did-attack-on-parliament-really-change-our-lives-forever Related article: CBC News – Louise Elliott Ottawa shooting: Harper government wants to make terror arrests easier http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ottawa-shooting-harper-government-wants-to-make-terror-arrests-easier-1.2811571 Related article: Global News – Slav Kornik and Emily Mertz Cold Lake residents help remove graffiti from mosque http://globalnews.ca/news/1633564/cold-lake-mosque-vandalized
CBC News (North)
Nunavut justice system ‘failing children and youth’: Inuit group
The system is severely lacking in response to the doubling of the crime rate from 1999 to 2012. Forty percent of the population has suffered abuse as a child and one in every two women. “The report, which looks at three areas of Nunavut’s justice system — community justice, family violence and the relationship between mental health and the criminal justice system — says the system has “failed children and youth.” The report is a specific assessment of the interplay of the justice system and the culture, along with mental health considerations. The 51 page report has an executive summary and 8 recommendations in the first few pages with a map of the territory involved. The remainder of the report develops the conclusions offered in the recommendations. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/nunavut-justice-system-failing-children-and-youth-inuit-group-1.2811093?cmp=rss Full report in pdf: Government of Nunavut – Annual Report: On the State of Inuit Culture and Society 13-14: Examining the Justice System in Nunavut http://www.tunngavik.com/files/2014/10/2013-14-SICS-Annual-Report-ENG.pdf
Cape Breton Post
Sold-out mental health conference attracts 550 to 11th annual event
Are Canadians starting to get the message around the need for mental health services? You betcha! This conference in tiny Cape Breton drew a sold out crowd when TV and radio personality Scott Boyd offered some personal experience of battles with depression. Says Boyd: “Your life can go on, you can get help.” http://www.capebretonpost.com/News/Local/2014-10-23/article-3914229/Sold-out-mental-health-conference-attracts-550-to-11th-annual-event/1
Dow Jones Business News – Paul Vieira
Canada Budget Watchdog Says Federal Budget to Return to Surplus in FY2014-15
Budget watchers are saying that by March 31, 2015, the Canadian government will have a $3.5 billion surplus rather than a predicted deficit of $2.9 billion. Speculation is that the budget surplus will help the federal conservatives win the next election through anticipated tax relief. http://www.nasdaq.com/article/canada-budget-watchdog-says-federal-budget-to-return-to-surplus-in-fy201415-20141021-00828#ixzz3H197oJfS
Reuters International
Cash aid for refugees succeeds despite donors’ doubts
The practice of giving cash to refugees challenges the assumption that aid agencies know what is best for people who have fled tyranny. The money given to Syrian refugees in Lebanon is in fact being well spent and on what the refugees themselves feel is important, contrary to the often expressed fear that the money will be wasted if given without strings. One in four residents in Lebanon is a refugee. http://www.trust.org/item/20141023181919-s3x22/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=AlertNet+Expresso+Oct+24+2014&utm_content=AlertNet+Expresso+Oct+24+2014+CID_0deb26fcbb3d87e786bee43639c4ebb1&utm_source=Campaign%20Monitor&utm_term=Cash%20aid%20for%20refugees%20succeeds%20despite%20donors%20doubts
Globe and Mail – Bill Curry
Ottawa tackles Social Security Tribunal benefit-claims backlog
The 2012 budget created a tribunal to replace four different agencies to hear appeals for cases of payments to seniors, disability and unemployment payments. There is currently an 11, 000 case back log in CPP and OAS payments and the new budget lifts the 74 person employee limit to expand the number of people dealing with the appeals. However the process will continue to rely on remote appeals rather than in person. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/ottawa-tackles-social-security-tribunal-benefit-claims-backlog/article21304700