Chill in speech…

    Jan 29, 2015

 CBC News – Lucas Powers
New anti-terror bill could put chill on freedom of speech ‘It’s really more political posturing than sound counterterrorism policy,’ says legal expert 

The legislation has the purpose to criminalize the “promotion of terrorism” but may, according to legal experts simply put a muzzle on free speech.  “…Canada already has the necessary laws on the books to pursue and prosecute people promoting hatred or inciting violence, says Kent Roach, a professor at the University of Toronto who specializes in constitutional and terrorism law.”   Related article:  CBC News – Chris Hall   New counterterrorism bill to override certain privacy limits   Related article:  Ottawa Citizen – Ian MacLeod    Anti-terrorism bill built around an attack that still raises questions   Related article:  National Newswatch – Don Lenihan    Why Harper’s anti-terrorism bill won’t stop domestic recruitment of terrorists   Related article: Global TV News – Mike Lecouteur     EXCLUSIVE: Conservatives looking to detain suspected terrorists longer without charge    CBC News: Project Levitation and your privacy: Politicians call for cybersurveillance oversight

 CBC News
Refugee health care fight cost feds $1.4 million in legal fees Citizenship and immigration department unable to provide full price tag when asked to disclose 

The legal cost to fight the Federal Court orders to correct a change in the medical / health care of refugees has raised the question of a “cure” being worse than the “disease.”  NDP critic and MP Andrew  Cash says:  “Instead of paying lawyers to keep health care away from refugees, the Conservatives should end this offensive charade, abide by the federal court’s ruling and fully restore the program.”

 Toronto Star – David Rider
Toronto’s income gap continues to widen, finds U of T expert 

When it comes to income disparity, Toronto, it seems, is becoming a divided city.  U of T professor David Hulchanski has updated his research showing that the middle class is in process of disappearing.  The article offers a map showing the differences in income over the years from 1970- 2012 with dramatic shifts in the more recent years.

 Globe and Mail – Tavia Grant
Damage from cancelled census as bad as feared, researchers say  

Researchers from city planners to public health units think that the Stats Canada data since cancelling the long form census in 2010 is considerably lacking and preventing these bodies from precisely responding to problematic areas.  The planning bodies are now spending more money for information of less quality.  Charles Beach, professor emeritus of economics at Queen’s University, says that the lack of specific and detailed information from the long form has “inhibited research into inequality and identifying winners and losers in economic growth, research into understanding the national problems of the have-nots in the economy, and research into how best to provision local government services.”

 Al Arabiya News –  Rajia Aboulkheir
French proposal on radical Muslim inmates criticized

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls is proposing to create special section of a Paris prison for suspected Muslim radicals who are inmates and recruiting Muslim chaplains to work with them.  Commenting on the proposal, French Imam Djelloul Seddiki said the government “isn’t touching the root of the problem… Before talking about radicalization of Muslims,” the government needs to ensure “social justice among all citizens, regardless of their religion.”

 CTV News
Southern Alberta prison deals with death of second inmate in one week

The Drumheller Institution has seen its second death of an inmate in the same week.  Both inmates, Martin Pinkus and Earl William Davenport, were found dead in their cells.  There is no immediate indication of a cause of death but both were in single cells.  Both inmates were convicted of murder.