
    Mar 31, 2015

 CBC News – Kady O’Malley
Bill C-51 amendments seem unconnected to committee process – Not one Conservative MP publicly voiced concerns during last week’s marathon hearings 

The changes to C-51 from the clause-by-clause review in committee are relatively minor and do not address the more substantive issues brought by hearing witness.  That what Elizabeth May concludes.  She credits the changes to public pressure, not parliamentary due diligence.   “They didn’t listen to witnesses,” she said.  “They’re watching the polls.”   http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/bill-c-51-amendments-seem-unconnected-to-committee-process-1.3014704   Related article: iPolitics – Tasha Kheiriddin     The gun lobby appears to have Harper in a corner   http://www.ipolitics.ca/2015/03/30/the-gun-lobby-appears-to-have-harper-in-a-corner/    Related article: Toronto Star – Tonda MacCharles   Government plans four amendments to soften anti-terror Bill C-51   http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/03/30/government-plans-four-amendments-to-soften-anti-terror-bill-c-51.html 

iPolitics – Elizabeth Thompson
Mysterious conservative group finds way around political spending limits

The limits on the donations to political parties is apparently a problem for the federal Conservatives.  After all of the controversy around registered charities and the percentage of their funds spent on political aims, the Conservatives have decided that a registered charity can be helpful:  “Canada needs an organized, non-profit voice financed by industry to ensure that the Canadian political landscape remains in balance and we are looking for like-minded entrepreneurs to invest seed funding at this critical time.”    http://www.ipolitics.ca/2015/03/30/new-group-exploits-fundraising-loophole-to-help-promote-conservative-positions/

Toronto Star – Sara Mojtehedzadeh
Too many Ontario workers exploited; laws need quick overhaul, study urges – Report proposes amendments to Ontario law that would keep employers from avoiding minimum wage, paid leave and other protections.

Income disparity has been a growing concern in Canada.  The disparity has some solutions already in place but not practiced.  Deena Ladd, who heads the Workers’ Action Centre, says that lax employment laws allow employers to routinely deny minimum wage and benefits to workers.  “Ontario’s employment standards legislation contains some significant caveats and exemptions that leave part-time, casual and self-employed workers vulnerable to abuse.”   Additionally, the Employment Standards Act is silent on equal pay for equal work for temporary and part timers – Temporary Foreign Workers can be paid 15% less.  The Workers’ Action Centre has eight recommendations for fairness.  http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2015/03/31/too-many-ontario-workers-exploited-laws-need-quick-overhaul-study-urges.html   Related article:  Toronto Star – Mark Wafer    People with disabilities deserve to be paid a legal wage    http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2015/03/30/people-with-disabilities-deserve-to-be-paid-a-legal-wage.html    Related article: APTN National News: Halifax – Trina Roache    Mi’kmaw chiefs ready to take their fight over welfare rates to the Supreme Court   http://aptn.ca/news/2015/03/30/mikmaw-chiefs-ready-take-fight-welfare-rates-supreme-court/

 Toronto Star – Marco Chown Oved
‘This ain’t Canada right now’: G20 police violated Charter rights, court rules – By targeting protesters for searches and not letting them proceed, York Police violated Charter rights in June 2010, the appeals court decides    

Protester Paul Figueiras didn’t want any money – just a declaration from  the court that his rights were violated when York Regional Police Sargent Mark Charlebois announced the serious changes in Canada.  While a Superior Court Judge denied the request, a three panel Court of Appeal over-ruled the lower court and recognized that Figueiras’ rights had in fact been breached by police when they demanded that he be searched before approaching a security fence.  http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2015/03/30/this-aint-canada-right-now-g20-police-violated-charter-rights-court-rules.html#   Related article: Globe and Mail – Tabatha Southey    Mr. Harper, you may have missed your true calling    http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/columnists/mr-harper-you-may-have-missed-your-calling/article23446873/

 Winnipeg Free Press – Jenna Dulewich
Pleading for federal cash – Cuts to program that helps sex offenders let go from prison  

The Winnipeg Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) is losing $48,000 from the National Crime Prevention and a further $25,000 from Chaplaincy.  The group runs eight circles and while at this point CoSA has not closed down any circles, the funding will cause them to fall back to five of the eight current circles, operated at roughly $12,000 per circle per year.  “We have a wait list that can go on forever,” co-director Natalia Ilyniak said.  “We have not ended any circles but as they naturally have ended, we haven’t been able to start them up again because we are… underfunded.”   http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/pleading-for-federal-cash-298100851.html   Related article: National Justice Network   FUNDING CUTS FOR SEX CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM  http://crcvc.ca/enewsletter/mar-15/story05.html

 Canadian Law Times – Shannon Kari

Focus: Medical marijuana continues to be source of litigation  

In 2000, the Ontario Court of Appeal struck down the prohibitions against medical marijuana.  Since then there have been repeated court challenges to the rules set down for medical marijuana by the federal government.  A tax court has ruled it is not a prescription but an over-the-counter project and subject to HST; the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario have decided it is a prescription.   Two other cases are pending in court as the Health Canada tries to deal with some 1200 applications from private suppliers for production licenses – 23 approved to date – and nearly 15,000 clients. http://www.lawtimesnews.com/201503304568/focus-on/medical-marijuana-continues-to-be-source-of-litigation?utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=CLNewswire_20150330&utm_source=Act-On%20Software&cm_mmc=Act-On%20Software-_-email-_-Two%20lawyers%20battle%20for%20PC%20crown%20|%20Business%20groups%20decry%20%27laxity%27%20in%20certifying%20class%20actions%20|%20Defending%20yourself%20for%20being%20in%20court-_-Medical%20marijuana%20continues%20to%20be%20source%20of%20litigation    

 (Ed Note: Back after Easter…)