Drug courts…

    April 27, 2015

Toronto Star – Manisha Krishnan
How drug treatment court rescued her from her addiction – Restorative justice advocates say alternatives to criminal system is more effective for addicts.

Kathy Middleton, 57, was in drug court because she had 17 charges related to her addiction with crack and her life on the streets of Scarborough.  Now, she works with Toronto police educating officers about addiction.  The Toronto Drug Treatment Court say the RJ advocates is a way to keep non-violent offenders, even repeat offenders, out of the revolving doors of jail.  They, and Drug Court Justice Mary Hogan, fear that mandatory sentences may well create a set-back for the good work done… http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2015/04/26/how-drug-treatment-court-rescued-her-from-her-addiction.html

 Globe and Mail – Daniel Leblanc
Shrouded in mystery, Sgt. Andrew Doiron’s death resonates in Moncton   

The March 7 death of Sgt Dorion remains shrouded in mystery.  Globe and Mail reporter Mark MacKinnon was blocked from visiting the site of the friendly fire incident, and interviews with his military colleagues say Dorion was anything but careless about proper protocol.  The Globe and Mail is calling in an editorial for an inquiry into Dorion’s death.  http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/shrouded-in-mystery-sgt-andrew-doirons-death-resonates-in-moncton/article24119996/   Related article:  Globe and Mail Editorial – (April 20, 2015)    Military should call inquiry into death of Sgt. Andrew Doiron   http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/editorials/military-should-call-inquiry-into-death-of-sgt-andrew-doiron/article24036682/

Inquisitor (US)
Joseph Stiglitz Slams U.S Inequality: ‘American Dream Is a Myth’

Stiglitz says that “hard work and determination are no longer the keys to success.”  He added this warning:  “If the root causes of income inequality go unaddressed, America will truly become a two-class society and look much more like a third world economy.”

Jacobin – Corey Robin
A Cozier Carceral State 

Prompted by an incident on the NY subway in which four Swedish police officers on vacation broke up a fight without anyone getting injured, Robin looks at Scandinavian policing and prison system in comparison to the US approach. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2015/04/scandinavia-prison-welfare-state-swedish-police/

MacEwan University / John Howard Society of Alberta
Innovative Strategies in Criminal Justice: From Policy to Practice

May 12-14, 2015  – Robbins Health Learning Centre, City Centre Campus, Edmonton, AB

“…an exciting and interactive 2-day conference designed to build knowledge and awareness, share and discover ideas and best practices, and develop strategies to innovate criminal justice policy and practice.”  Keynote speakers:  Tony Doob of the U of Toronto, Gabor Maté, MD (Specialist in addiction), Howard Sapers, the Correctional Investigator, and Gwenda Willis, clinical psychologist from University of Auckland, New Zealand.  http://www.macewan.ca/wcm/MacEwanEvents/Conferences/InnovativeStrategiesinCriminalJusticeFromPolicytoPractice/index.htm   On-line registration:  https://www.cvent.com/events/innovative-strategies-in-criminal-justice-from-policy-to-practice/registration-1c8c358abf0647a790c2c773fc7a2858.aspx

Jakarta Globe (Indonesia) – Mary Farrow
Commentary: The Death of Hope Spurs Eternal Vigilance

Here is an inspiring article on the death penalty drama unfolding Indonesia as the international community, the UN and anti-death penalty advocates struggle against Indonesia’s determination to execute a group of ten  convicted drug traffickers, including two Australians.  The Australian government is protesting corruption among the judges who imposed the sentences.   Says Farrow, an American and human rights activist, “We can herald this tipping point of 2015 as the “Mandela Moment” with every death now viewed as a dark heritage with a “humanitarian tax” on those who continue to murder just because they can.”  http://thejakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/opinion/commentary-death-hope-spurs-eternal-vigilance/   Related article:  Jakarta Globe (Indonesia)  Michelle Nichols    UN Chief Appeals to Indonesia Not to Carry Out Executions     http://thejakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/news/un-chief-appeals-indonesia-not-carry-executions/

 Raw Story News – Terrell Jermaine Starr, AlterNet
Here are 5 ways it’s become a crime to be poor in America — punishable by further impoverishment 

The killing of Blacks by police in American cities like Ferguson is beginning to cause a great deal of research and revelation around how a city can target the poor and use law enforcement as a means to keep people in their poverty.  “The over-punishment of minor offenses is just another way the rich get richer, and as the report says, the “poor get prison.” They also get poorer and more numerous.”    http://www.rawstory.com/2015/04/here-are-5-ways-its-become-a-crime-to-be-poor-in-america-punishable-by-further-impoverishment/