Oct 6, 2015
CBC News – Harvey Cashore
Harper government partnered with industry group fighting CRA over KPMG case
Off shore on the Isle of Man, money belonging to the richest with the best accountants and lawyers is at issue. But so is the federal government approach to the problems. While KPMG were representing these clients and while the CRA was pursuing the case in court, the Chartered Professional Accountants, who represent KPMG as well, were making deals with Stephen Harper to formalize a consultative role for the CPA group with CRA. The formal agreement calls for “the formation of joint committees with senior representatives from both groups — and “ensures” that the CRA will consider the accounting group’s “input” into any changes to its programs and services, according to a government news release.” http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/harper-government-partnered-with-industry-group-fighting-cra-over-kpmg-case-1.3257994
CBC News
Zunera Ishaq cleared by court to take citizenship oath wearing niqab – Muslim woman would need to take oath before being allowed to vote on Oct. 19
As Yogi Berra would say, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.” For the third time, the federal court has rejected a federal government appeal over the issue of the niqab at citizenship ceremonies. “I am disappointed with the government’s focus on my individual case when there is so much more that merits the attention of Canadians at this time,” Ishaq said. But the Federal Court of Appeal also denied delay to implementation of its ruling while the government appeals to the Supreme Court. The insistence may create an opportunity for Ishaq to vote in her first Canadian election. But the Conservatives, if re-elected, vow to introduce legislation to replace the current regulation. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/zunera-ishaq-cleared-by-court-to-take-citizenship-oath-wearing-niqab-1.3257762 Related article: Toronto Star – Jim Bronskill, Canadian Press Ottawa loses bid to put niqab ruling on hold http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/10/05/feds-lose-bid-to-put-niqab-ruling-on-hold.html Related article: National Newswatch – Marilla McCargar Shades of “White Slavery Panic” in Conservatives’ targeting of niqab http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/2015/10/06/shades-of-white-slavery-panic-in-conservatives-targeting-of-niqab/#.VhPe0Sv7GDl
The Atlantic (US) – Leah Sottile
Abuser and Survivor, Face to Face – Can restorative justice, in which offenders reconcile with their victims, work for domestic-violence cases? And who exactly does it benefit?
The link is to an article involving domestic violence and long years of seeking therapy and using RJ approaches, repeated reconciliations and break-ups. Though well-known thru the criminal justice application, RJ is still viewed as somewhat risky in domestic violence and fears the re-victimization of either the victim or the perpetrator, unknown to each other. The practice when first introduced conceptually was rejected out of hand. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/10/domestic-violence-restorative-justice/408820/
Toronto Star – Alex Ballingall
New report warns of growing income gap in Toronto – The Vital Signs 2015 report surveys the social and economic state of Toronto and the surrounding area
The latest report on the income gap comes from the Toronto Foundation which looks at a variety of income wealth distribution statistics and concludes that the middle class is shrinking and that precarious work is increasing. Toronto is rated number two in the income gap, Calgary is number one. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2015/10/06/new-report-warns-of-growing-income-gap-in-toronto.html
Toronto Star –
‘Long pathway’ ahead for jurors at inquest into deaths of aboriginal students
An unusual inquest is playing itself out in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Seven Aboriginal youths – six males and one female, aged 15 to 21, – died without any formal inquiry into their deaths. All the individuals were away from home at the time of death pursuing education in the larger center. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/10/05/tensions-in-evidence-as-inquest-begins-into-deaths-of-7-aboriginal-youths.html
Star Touch – Toronto Star – Daniel Brown
Harper Shift: Where’s the outrage?
Brown is referring to the problems around bail and remand as witnessed by the Toronto South Detention Center where the inmate population has reversed itself from ten years ago. Once the inmate population was 60% convicted and sentenced, 40% remand. Now the opposite is the reality in what is basically, according to Brown and numerous other reports, a dysfunctional super jail. http://startouch.thestar.com/screens/c2925c83-0a6c-4f4a-a04b-67803c0c3785|M7bgH8iZcVmV.html Related article: Toronto Star – Blogger Alex Himelfarb Austerity’s vicious circle – The more we cut government, the less good Ottawa does, the more Canadians distrust it, the easier to cut. We must not be blind to what we’re losing in the process http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2015/10/02/austeritys-vicious-circle.html
Globe and Mail – Canadian Press
B.C. wife, husband ‘stuck’ after IRA-related refugee claim turned down
A former British soldier and his invalided wife are the latest mishap under Canada’s refugee and settlement policies. John Collins is the sole caregiver for his wife of ten years, Anne, who is disabled and cannot work. Collins, who applied as a refugee in the face of threats from the IRA, made the application in desperation in the face of denial of entry into Canada on arrival in 2012. The rejected Collins application for refugee status means that he must wait 12 months before applying on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Collins is ordered to leave Canada by Nov. 6. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/bc-wife-husband-stuck-after-ira-related-refugee-claim-turned-down/article26677390/