“Just nastiness” – to be corrected

    Nov. 6, 2015

CBC News
Liberal justice: Experts expect less punitive, more principled approach to crime – Legalizing pot, repealing parts of anti-terror law and reviewing sentencing regime on agenda

There is lots of speculation about what justice issues will engage the newly formed Liberal government and the priorities within the job of redressing the tough-on-crime of the Conservatives and new legislation.  Most suggest that a critical item is the extent to which the Liberals will pursue the appeal rulings before the Supreme Court but equally important are the mandatory minimums, the parole and remand systems.  Mary Campbell, recently retired as director general of corrections and justice section of Public safety Canada, puts it succinctly: “The Conservatives had a bit of a vision, but it was just a sentiment of nastiness,” Campbell told CBC News. “One of the symptoms was the endless bills in Parliament; ad hoc, disconnected and contradictory. Overall, what we’re all looking for, and legitimately expecting to see, is a more humane and effective justice system.”    http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/politics/canada-trudeau-liberal-justice-crime-marijuana-1.3292965?utm_content=bufferf3d9f&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Toronto Star – Carol Goar
Canada finally has a minister of social justice 

Goar is celebrating a subtle nuance in the title of the ministry of John-Ives Duclos – Minister responsible for families, children and social development.  Normally the work of this ministry was absorbed in Public Health and Welfare but the title seems to suggest a new sort of priority at the federal level for a minister new to government from a district in Quebec that had not had a Liberal since 1980.  Duclos is an economist and anti-poverty activist.  http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2015/11/05/canada-finally-has-a-minister-of-social-justice-goar.html   Related article: CTV News   Trudeau government renames key departments   http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/trudeau-government-renames-key-departments-1.2646008   Related article:  CBC news   Jody Wilson-Raybould appointment prompts optimism for national inquiry – New Justice Minister seen as a positive sign for missing and murdered women inquiry   http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/trudeau-cabinet-missing-murdered-women-inquiry-1.3304920

 Toronto Star – Robert Cribb and Mark Greenblatt
Privacy measures allow criminals to hide their dirty deeds from police – Advanced encryption and search-warrant requirements have allowed child molesters, drug dealers and organized crime to hide their crimes from police

Toronto police are looking for tools to tackle the high levels of encryption used by criminals on the internet, including sex crimes and pedophiles.  OPP and RCMP have both reported growing sophistication in internet use by drug trafficking.  The concern from the police viewpoint is that the internet providers and managers are providing the lead on privacy, not the security services.  Most privacy advocates would suggest that the internet needs privacy and police should need warrants to access, an issue sure to re-appear in the C-51 discussions. http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2015/11/05/advanced-encryption-privacy-measures-hinder-police-in-digital-age.html   Related article: OpenMedia.ca   Why Internet Users Should be Very Angry about the TPP  https://openmedia.ca/blog/why-internet-users-should-be-very-angry-about-tpp

 CBC News
Ontario sued over young offenders in solitary confinement

Ontario has 20 youth facilities and a lawsuit claims that the government is breaching its duty to allow the use of solitary confinement in them.  “Ontario’s children’s advocate Irwin Elman called on the government in August to stop putting young offenders in solitary confinement for more than 24 hours, warning it negatively harms their mental and physical health.” Critics suggest an appalling rate of use of solitary.  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/lawsuit-ontario-solitary-confinement-1.3305091  Related article:  CTV News   Solitary confinement of Ont. youth ‘incredibly harmful’ lawyer says   http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/solitary-confinement-of-ont-youth-incredibly-harmful-lawyer-says-1.2644699   Related article:  BC Civil Liberties and John Howard    Justice, not torture: challenging solitary confinement in Canadian prisons   https://bccla.org/our-work/solitary-confinement/

Toronto Star – Robin Levinson King
Muzzled Canadian scientists now free to speak with media

Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Navdeep Bains has affirmed that Canada’s scientists will no longer be required to follow strict rules and departmental approval before speaking their minds.  Said Bains: “We are working to make government science fully available to the public and will ensure that scientific analyses are considered in decision making.”  http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/11/06/muzzles-removed-for-federal-scientists-at-department-of-fisheries-and-oceans.html