Welcome to Canada!

    Dec 10, 2015

 Toronto Star – Editorial (Dec. 10, 2015)  Welcome to Canada  http://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorials/2015/12/10/to-the-newcomers-from-syria-welcome-to-canada-editorial.html   Related article: Globe and Mail:    Samya Kullab   What Syrians Refugees are Bringing to Canada: Their most precious keepsakes   http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/what-syrian-refugees-are-bringing-tocanada/article27669795/
Fighting for our Shared Future (US) – Earth Law Centre, Linda Sheehan and Grant Wilson

This report suggests a direct connection between human rights and our rights applicable to nature and the abuse of the environment.   Published in December 2015, the report describes five case studies and offers an insightful section Trends in Co-Violations of Human and Environmental Rights.  There are several helpful appendage documents from the UN and a two page Executive Summary.   http://static1.squarespace.com/static/55914fd1e4b01fb0b851a814/t/565fe952e4b04c5d15dc3195/1449126226526/Fighting+for+Our+Shared+Future+-+Earth+Law+Center+%28Full+Page+Read%29+-+Dec+3.pdf   Related article: Global Sisters Report – Elsie Garcia   Study released at COP21 illustrates link between human rights, nature’s rights  http://globalsistersreport.org/blog/capital-e-earth/environment/study-released-cop21-illustrates-link-between-human-rights-natures   Related article: Toronto Star – Tyler Hamilton   Indigenous rights highlight day 11 of the Paris climate change conference  http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2015/12/10/indigenous-rights-highlight-day-11-of-the-paris-climate-change-conference.html

 Criminological Highlights (University of Toronto) – Anthony Doob and Rosemary Gardner (Vol 15, 4)

As usual, the highlights are presented as eight topics:  1. Are high risk sex offenders high risk forever? 2. Why should governments be wary of cost-savings    claims for private prisons? 3. Why does poor treatment of ordinary citizens    by the police lead to more offending?  4. What types of restorative justice programs have been shown to be effective in reducing re-offending? 5. Is it useful to talk about a single imprisonment rate for federal jurisdictions like Australia? 6. Was do the different rates of imprisonment in the US states reflect? 7. Is it possible to provide effective reintegration services for prisoners serving short sentences?  8. For what type of offender is police contact most likely to lead to increased violent offending?  You can get your own subscription (A downloadable pdf) by e-mailing either editor:  anthony.doob@utoronto.ca  or  rosemary.gartner@utoronto.ca .  Back issues are available as well:  http://criminology.utoronto.ca/criminological-highlights/   (It usually takes a few days to get the most recent Highlights on their site.)

International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG) – Monia Mazigh
What is the Impact of Fundamentalism on the Freedom of Association and Peaceful Assembly?

Mazigh is reporting on the United National Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Association and Public Assembly who is inviting countries to gather in Florence, Italy and to begin with the notion of fundamentalism, however defined.  The report says Mazigh, will look at both state and radical groups as the main actors in fundamentalism.  http://iclmg.ca/what-is-the-impact-of-fundamentalism-on-the-freedom-of-association-and-peaceful-assembly/

CBC News
Trinity Western law school decision overturned by B.C. Supreme Court

While it seems mostly a procedural decision, the BC Supreme Court has overturned the Law Society’s decision not to recognize lawyers graduating from Trinity College law school.  Chief Justice Hinkson ruled that the delegation of the decision to a vote of the members after the leaders or “Benchers” decision was improper making the later members’ vote in the referendum invalid.  There remains the conflict in the charter rights between freedom of religion and equality rights.  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/trinity-western-law-society-bc-supreme-court-1.3359942    Related article: CTV News – Geordon Omand, The Canadian Press    B.C. Supreme Court rules in favour of Christian law school  http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/b-c-supreme-court-rules-in-favour-of-christian-law-school-1.2695417

 CBC News – Connie Walker
Inquiry into the Murdered and missing Indigenous Women

The link offers a view of what Trudeau sees as the scope as well as the reaction to the announced inquiry with its preparation process.  Phase I is the preparation and Phase II the actual inquiry.  http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2680159981   Related article: Toronto Star – Tanya Talaga   Police racism must be addressed in inquiry, aboriginal leaders say  http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/12/10/police-racism-must-be-addressed-in-inquiry-aboriginal-leaders-say.html  

Toronto Star – Jennifer Pagliaro
Consultants urge big changes to Toronto police – Mayor John Tory notes overuse of frontline cops but union president dismisses report ‘written in crayon.’

The report, long held in secrecy, seems at once to be brewing significant changes in the practice of policing and a confrontation with police union officials.  The report from KPMG cost the tax payers $200,000 and looked at how front line officers spend their time.  While the costs of police continues to escalate to new heights, the report found that 16% of the calls for front line police involved parking problems.  http://www.thestar.com/news/city_hall/2015/12/10/reports-calls-for-cost-saving-modernizing-of-toronto-police.html