90 victims only…

Mar 21, 2017

Globe and Mail – Gloria Galloway
Missing and murdered Indigenous women inquiry has just 90 victims’ names in its database

At the time, estimate were that there were over 1200 murdered or missing women, a number later pronounced considerably less than the truth by the federal government.  Now, privacy and process issues that left fewer than 100 victims for the inquiry.  The federal government refuses to release more names, many of which chose in the initial stages of the inquiry to give testimony anonymously. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/missing-and-murdered-indigenous-women-inquiry-has-just-90-victims-names-in-its-database/article34345247/

CBC News – Kathleen Harris
Supreme Court to hear ‘honour killing’ extradition case – Mother, uncle accused of killing 25-year-old Jassi Sidhu because she married rickshaw operator

A case was one of particularly bitter reaction to many Canadian.  A Canadian girl went to India to be married to a rickshaw driver.  Both were killed in a grisly way in India in 2000.  The mother and uncle of the murdered girl, Jaswinder (Jassi) Sidhu, were arrested for complicity in the honour killing but have been fighting extradition all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.   http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/supreme-court-honour-killing-1.4028725


This link is at once a news story and a petition to government to sign the UN Protocol on Rights of the Disable which the Harper government agreed it in principle but then failed to sign the protocol holding Canada responsible to uphold the declaration.  https://www.change.org/p/canada-s-adoption-of-the-un-protocol-on-the-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities-is-long-overdue?utm_medium=email&utm_source=46534&utm_campaign=petition_update&sfmc_tk=airPPY2Cm8fn44wF4SouGSg9bkOuURJ5Wc54myb%2bXv9phmbDUV6CIEHP3OhW%2bsIM

Blogger Russell Webster (UK)
How parental imprisonment affects children’s mental health

Webster is suggesting about 200,000 children in the UK with a parent in jail.  There is no way in the current British system to track the children of inmates and no organization charged with the welfare of children specifically when a parents goes to jail.  Webster provides links to a couple of merged services and looks at the children through the lens of mental health.  http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f3b97d02b5235c9e7c9b3a65b&id=ccb882c69e&e=10ab936adc   Family Lives Website:  http://www.familylives.org.uk/about/our-services/action-for-prisoners-and-offenders-families/

CBC News – Joanna Smith
Gender-based violence report urges mandatory training for judges, RCMP – Status of Women committee report looks at sex assault and harassment – and how the justice system responds

The House of Commons Committee on the Status of Women thinks that law enforcement and judges ought to be given training in the area of sexual assault and harassment.  “Witnesses told the committee about a pervasive climate of rape culture in Canada that normalizes, excuses and tolerates violence against young women and girls in public spaces, across universities and college campuses, and online,” said Liberal MP and committee vice-chair Pam Damoff.  http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/gender-based-violence-women-girls-report-1.4033024

CBC News – Roshini Nair
Small claims cases in B.C. to be resolved online – Online tribunal will hear small claims cases up to $5,000 starting June 1

How to get the backlog in courts manageable?  Easy.  Under $5,000 small claims cases can be resolved on line and don’t go to physical court at all. Implemented last July, the Civil Resolution Tribunal has already dealt with 280 cases, many of which were condo disputes.  The next step is likely to up the limit.  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/small-claims-cases-in-b-c-to-be-resolved-online-1.4032409