Pot Day – July 1, 2018

March 27, 2017

CBC News – David Cochrane
Liberals to announce marijuana will be legal by July 1, 2018

Former Toronto police chief and MP Bill Blair plans to announce that the long awaited legalized marijuana plan will be announced on April 10.  The plan largely puts the licensing and quality control in the hands of the feds and the sale and distribution in the hands of the province.  Expectations of the tax revenue start at $600 million and reach into the billions very quickly after the legalization.  You can also grow up to four plants on your own for personal use.  http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/liberal-legal-marijuana-pot-1.4041902   Related article: Globe and Mail – Karen Howlett  Prescriptions for painkillers still rising in Canada despite opioid crisis  http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/prescriptions-for-painkillers-still-rising-in-canada-despite-opioidcrisis/article34431838/?reqid=65a4b75e-6492-4095-94ca-44b4c0e6c004

Toronto Star – Nicholas Keung
A young person is shot every day in Ontario, Sick Kids study finds

The headline must surprise a lot of Canadians as well as Ontarians: one child a day shot and 75% of the annual cases are accidental often involving child access through careless storage of household guns.  The remainder are assault caused.  The study, by health authorities, look on the resulting numbers as staggering and the Sick Kids researchers want family doctors to start asking adult patients about firearms at home.   https://www.thestar.com/news/immigration/2017/03/27/a-young-person-is-shot-every-day-in-ontario-sick-kids-study-finds.html    Related article: Metro Toronto – Gretchen Ehlke, Associated Press (Milwaukee)   Some of the youngest opioid victims are curious toddlers   http://www.metronews.ca/news/world/2017/03/23/some-of-the-youngest-opioid-victims-are-curious-toddlers.html

Toronto Star – Alyshah Hasham
A year after Ghomeshi verdict, sexual violence experts see ‘significant advances’

Experts are anxious not to overstate the changes but are acknowledging significant changes a year beyond the trial and acquittal of radio show host Jian Ghomeshi for sexual assault.  One judge dismissed for blaming the victim, another sets precedent by ordering the rapist to pay the costs of the victim, and a $100 million federal program aimed at preventing gender violence.  https://www.thestar.com/news/crime/2017/03/26/a-year-after-ghomeshi-verdict-sexual-violence-experts-see-significant-advances.html  Related article: Globe and Mail Editorial (March 26, 2017)  Supreme Court right to rule that woman’s sexual history had no place in trial   http://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/editorials/supreme-court-right-to-rule-that-womans-sexual-history-had-no-place-in-trial/article34417497/   Related article:  Globe and Mail – André Picard   Sexual violence: The silent health epidemic   http://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/sexual-violence-the-silent-health-epidemic/article33915008/

N.Y. Times – Matthew Haag
Arkansas Struggles to Find Enough People to Watch Executions

The law says six witnesses per execution and Arkansas plans 2 a day in mid-April for eight inmates before the expiry date on irreplaceable drugs used in the executions reach their expiry date.  In a search for the full complement, Director of Corrections Wendy Kelley who spoke at a Rotary Club caused some laughter among the Rotarians who first thought the request and offer to be witnesses was some sort of strange joke.  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/25/us/arkansas-death-penalty-witnesses.html

Globe and Mail – Josh O’Kane
Bankruptcy study points to worsening income inequality in Ontario

Debtor agencies are reporting a shift in the demographics of bankruptcy clients to seniors on fixed income, singles, and millennials with big student debt, a circumstance suggesting that the disparity in income is worsening.  Says Douglas Hoyes, co-owner of licensed insolvency trustees Hoyes, Michalos & Associates Inc. and co-author of the “Joe Debtor” report, “Debt is a symptom – it’s not the problem ,..If anything, we have an income problem.”   http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/bankruptcy-study-points-to-worsening-income-inequality-in-ontario/article34429488/

CBC –  Annie-Claude Luneau
Qui a tué Sandra Gaudet?

En 1990, Sandra Gaudet, agée de 14 ans, a été tué et deux hommes, Billy Taillefer et Hugues Duguay, condamnés à la prison à perpétuité en 1991, mais libérés par une décision de la Cour Suprême en 2006.  Dans un nouveau livre, Meurtriers sur mesure, l’énigme de Val-d’Or,   Jean Claude Bernheim, criminologiste bien connu and respecté au Québec, cherche une réponse et une explication.  Les liens vous offert plusieurs points de vue, le premier de CBC Radio    http://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1022514/qui-a-tue-sandra-gaudet   Voici plurieurs autres point de contact aux médias au sujet de cette nouvelle publication :   http://www.tvaabitibi.ca/articles/20170315150019/meurtre_sandra_gaudet_une_nouvelle_enquete_reclamee.html