Feb 11, 2017 AJ+ – Van Jones “If rich folks' kids get in trouble, they go to rehab. Poor folks' kids get in trouble, they go to prison.” Van Jones talks about how mass incarceration is hurting … [Read more...]
Bail reform …
March 22, 2016 Toronto Star – Daniel Brown Time to overhaul Canada’s unjust bail system “I can no longer call it a court of law,” Julia Lauzon, an Ottawa Justice of the Peace, said. “Unfortunately, Ottawa's bailout court, and others, have devolved … [Read more...]
Media mergers …
February 24, 2016 Guardian (UK) Democracy warning as Canadian media outlets merge and papers close: Federal minister convenes talks as union calls for action over increasingly centralised ownership and publishers warn of threat to public interest … [Read more...]
State lawlessness …
February 22, 2016 Toronto Star – Joanna Smith Inquiry into missing aboriginal women must not ignore indigenous law, advocates say Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett wants to consider how and what parts of Indigenous law should and could … [Read more...]
Numbers …
February 18, 2016 CBC News – John Paul Tasker Confusion reigns over number of missing, murdered indigenous women - RCMP said 1,017 indigenous women were killed between 1980 and 2012, activists say it's closer to 4,000 The number of Indigenous … [Read more...]
Lockdowns …
February 8, 2016 Toronto Star – Ann Dempsey Lockdowns "similar" to solitary, jail security official says - Toronto South Detention Centre security manager testifies that he knows of no policies limiting lockdowns in jails. There is increasing … [Read more...]
Corrections and the political agenda in Canada: Toward an illuminated future or a walk in the darkness?
SJNC is pleased to feature a new article by seasoned correctional observer R. E. Bob Brown, who compares the criminal justice policies of the current Government of Canada with those in several European countries, the U.S. and a number of its states. … [Read more...]
Punishment doesn’t fix crime — or make us safe
There has certainly been plenty of crime and punishment talk in Canada recently. New laws put more people in prison longer, make it harder for them to get out, and make it more difficult for them to reintegrate into communities when they do. Public … [Read more...]
Mental health and criminal justice: a long and dysfunctional relationship (Ed McIsaac)
Mental health and criminal justice have a long and dysfunctional relationship. Inevitably it seems our desire for punishment overtakes both the needs of the individual offender suffering from mental illness and our collective long-term interest in … [Read more...]
Effects of parental imprisonment on child antisocial behaviour and mental health
In “Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Child Antisocial Behaviour and Mental Health: A Systematic Review” (Campbell Systematic Reviews August 2009:4), Murray, Farrington, Sekol and Olsen did a meta-analysis of 16 studies to determine if parental … [Read more...]