Punishment doesn’t fix crime — or make us safe

There has certainly been plenty of crime and punishment talk in Canada recently. New laws put more people in prison longer, make it harder for them to get out, and make it more difficult for them to reintegrate into communities when they do. Public … [Read more...]

Is your criminal justice system serving you well?

This Toronto Star series maps the most costly jail cities in the country, adding socioeconomic data to the mix to give a better picture of crime and punishment in Canada — and Toronto. http://www.thestar.com/specialSections/crime … [Read more...]

‘Tough medicine’ won’t kill underlying social ills

Former Nova Scotia prosecutor Bob Lutes says the Canadian government and the Senate might as well tell the public that the earth is flat as suggest that a combination of longer sentences and more incarceration is the answer to public safety. He gives … [Read more...]

Crime is a theory …

In this video by Heartspeak Productions, Kim Pate, Executive Director of the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Societies, describes the social factors of criminal behaviour. She says that the very language used in the criminal justice system distorts … [Read more...]