To do’s…

Aug 5, 2022 Global News – Heidi Lee What comes after Pope Francis’ apology? Here’s what advocates say “Apologies to me are not about words. Most importantly, they’re about actions,” Blackstock, the executive director of the First Nations Child and … [Read more...]

The children…

July 8, 2022 Toronto Star Editorial (June 6, 2022) Justice for children - A final agreement was reached this week on details of a landmark settlement to compensate First Nations children who had been removed from their homes or denied social and … [Read more...]

No guns, please…

June 2, 2022 CTV News – Jim Bronskill, Canadian Press National handgun freeze key feature of new firearm-control bill The Trudeau government has introduced new gun control legislation that puts the focus on the importation of handguns, long … [Read more...]


May 30, 2022  Lawyer’s Daily – Cristin Schmitz Judge strikes down national security gag law in parliamentary privilege case In what the lawyers involve think is the beginning of a case going eventually to the Supreme Court, a challenge by Lakehead … [Read more...]

Pardons, suspensions, sequestering…

April 27, 2022 University of Toronto – Compiled from Criminological Highlights by Maria Jung (Ryerson University), Jane B. Sprott (Ryerson University) and Anthony N. Doob (University of Toronto). Evaluating the Benefits of Pardons: An Overview of … [Read more...]

Sequestering criminal records…

Apr 25, 2022 Smart Justice Network Canada received the following invitation last week and we will respond with two experienced Network partners.  However, we would also like to let our readers know of this event and suggest that you or your group … [Read more...]

All about guns…

April 10, 2021 Guns in Canada Firearms Legislation For Safer Communities - BILL C-21: An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms) Canada is still struggling with gun control and the most recent proposed … [Read more...]


Feb. 18, 2021 Here are a number of items on the current controversies around banning / buying back military assault rifles and handguns. Twitter from Justine Trudeau on … [Read more...]

Charities regs…

Feb 11, 2021 Senator Ratna Omidvar Effective and Accountable Charities Act The legislation is S-222 from the Senate and is designed to update the current CRA provisions governing how charities can pursue their objectives.  Currently limited to … [Read more...]

Handgun ban…

May 28, 2020 Toronto Star – Alex Boutilier Ottawa’s gun legislation will effectively allow cities to ban handguns This is a puzzling announcement from the federal government.  Having already announced a ban on assault rifles, the feds promised … [Read more...]