Jan 18, 2019 CTV News – Don Martin Don Martin: Mini shuffle was a transparent hit job on one key cabinet minister This week’s cabinet shuffle has the news media claiming that Jody Wilson-Raybould was demoted, and says Martin, personality clash … [Read more...]
Inquests and recommendations…
Dec 22, 2018 Ottawa Citizen – Blair Crawford Jury delivers sweeping recommendations to prevent jail suicides Cleve Geddes was arrested for uttering threats and assaulting a police officer, A court ordered a psychiatric examination but since there … [Read more...]
Learning wisdom…
Nov 8, 2018 Toronto Star - Katie Daubs In her short life, little Abby inspired countless acts of kindness. Now even strangers are mourning her death This is a story that prompts the rest of us to pause from the ugliness and bitterness of political … [Read more...]
Who counts the dead?
Oct. 6, 2017 Ottawa Citizen = David Reevely Ontario's jails can't even count their dead, review finds Former federal correctional investigator Howard Sapers, now an advisor to Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services, has a new version of the old … [Read more...]
Impaired driving…
July 25, 2016 Toronto Star – Jim Coyle Canada tops list of developed countries for rate of impaired-driving fatalities Here’s distressing news about Canada from a US source. Canada is highest in alcohol involved vehicle fatalities – 33.6% - … [Read more...]