Weep, for us all…

Aug. 31, 2020  MacLean’s Magazine - Paul Wells Another farce on Bill Blair's watch - How badly do things have to go for a government-appointed panel to shut down because it got no usable data and no help from the minister? The link offers the … [Read more...]

Words tell you…

Aug 19, 2019 The Conversation – Fatemeh Torabi Asr The language gives it away: How an algorithm can help us detect fake news Here is an explanation of how computers can detect fake news using algorithms which Simon Fraser University suggests is a … [Read more...]

Mama Rita…

June 2, 2018 National Catholic Reporter – Dan Morris-Young Restorative justice has a name, face and heart in East LA - Mama Rita: Inmates 'are not the crimes they did' Long-time Dolores Mission parishioner Rita Chairez works in restorative justice … [Read more...]

Prison Health…

Oct. 26, 2017 Pew Charitable Trust (US) Prison Health Care Costs and Quality - How and why states strive for high-performing systems The Pew Foundation and VERA Institute for Justice together have produced this report looking at the data derived … [Read more...]

C-36: More SCC to come?

   June 7, 2014 National Newswatch – Don Lenihan Prostitution and the politics of justice   Lenihan, and most experts agree that the new prostitution laws will wind up challenged in court and that Peter MacKay has known the laws will not pass … [Read more...]