Terrorism wins…

    Feb 19, 2015

 Globe and Mail – Campbell Clark
New poll finds Harper’s anti-terror bill is a political juggernaut

82% of Canadians approve the new Terrorism Bill (C-51) and 36% say it does not go far enough according to an Angus Reid Institute survey of 1509 people on the Internet.  The survey also revealed that 69% want additional oversight of these police powers.  And 64% believe that there is a serious threat of terrorism in Canada.   http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/new-poll-finds-harpers-anti-terror-bill-is-a-political-juggernaut/article23067983/   Related article:  CBC News – Chris Hall    Bill C-51: Political battle lines drawn over anti-terror bill as election nears – Public safety poised to be a key issue in coming federal election campaign     http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/bill-c-51-political-battle-lines-drawn-over-anti-terror-bill-as-election-nears-1.2962764   Related article: Leader-Post (Regina) – Andrew Coyne, Canada.com    Wordplay robs ‘terrorism’ of any meaning    http://www.canada.com/news/Wordplay+robs+terrorism+meaning/10825006/story.html   Related article: Ottawa Citizen – Terry Glavin    At long last, the NDP breaks its silence on Bill C-51  (With 1min 47 sec video report) http://www.canada.com/Opinion/Glavin+long+last+breaks+silence+Bill/10824028/story.html

 Forbes Magazine (US) – Niall McCarthy
Nearly A Third of All Female Prisoners Worldwide Are Incarcerated In the United States 

This article is more infographic and based on stats provided by the International Center for Prison Studies (ICPS) that compares the incarcerated populations internationally.  The US has a rate of women incarcerated of 9% of the total prison population, the highest in the world and another part of the already dismal mass incarceration rates for the US (Canada is 5.1%).  http://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2014/09/23/nearly-a-third-of-all-female-prisoners-worldwide-are-incarcerated-in-the-united-states-infographic/?utm_campaign=forbestwittersf&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social   Direct link to International Center for Prison Studies (ICPS) –  http://www.prisonstudies.org/

 MacLean’s – Aaron Wherry
The PBO vs. DND – Why can’t the Parliamentary Budget Officer get the information it wants? 

The answer is simple.  The government considers the information as “cabinet confidence,” that is, information that cabinet ministers need to duly consider confidential cabinet matters.  The conflict is not new, says Wherry, while wondering “if a government should be accountable for everything it does with public funds and resources.”  http://www.macleans.ca/politics/why-cant-the-parliamentary-budget-officer-get-the-information-it-wants/   Related article: iPolitics.com – Scott Clark and Peter DeVries  Babbling while the economy falls to its knees  http://www.ipolitics.ca/2015/02/18/babbling-while-the-economy-falls-to-its-knees/

 Law Now – Charles Davidson
Solitary Confinement is a National Disgrace 

Ordinarily we would offer a short summary of the contents.  In this case, we offer the conclusion to a reflection on the needless death of Eddie Snowshoe and Ashley Smith:  “Contrary to the guiding views and approach of our current government, meeting the needs of the incarcerated mentally ill is not to “reward” criminal behavior, nor does it amount to coddling the undeserving.  Rather, effectively and humanely treating the unwell is the most likely way to prevent further reoffending when these citizens are ultimately released back into our communities across the country – and simply the right thing to do.”   http://www.lawnow.org/solitary-confinement-national-disgrace/#sthash.nCM8KeBO.dpuf

CBC News
Protecting our youth: Advocate commends government response – Carol Chafe says more can done to ensure young people get the services they deserve 

Carol Chafe is the Advocate for Children and Youth for the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.  She has an annual report that will bring envy to all other advocacy groups:  88% of her office’s recommendations around youth to the province and its agencies have been implemented.  Only 3% saw no action.    http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/protecting-our-youth-advocate-commends-government-response-1.2961998

 Star Phoenix (Saskatoon) – John Sheard
Make mental health care a priority 

Sheard is a long time caregiver for mental health and offers some insightful implications for the failure to address mental health in other arenas.  For example, every dollar spent on mental health returns $7 in other health care costs.  Mental health costs represent 20% of corporate profits in Canada.  Thirty per cent of disability claims are for mental illness, and represent 70 per cent of all disability costs. Well worth a read!  http://www.thestarphoenix.com/health/Make+mental+health+care+priority/10825096/story.html