Proportionality discussion paper Justice Canada, Steering Committee on Justice Efficiencies and Access to the Justice System This June 2012 discussion paper by a Government of Canada Justice Committee recognizes that the burgeoning growth and … [Read more...]

Halifax citizens’ conversation about safe and healthy communities, Nov 2nd

Halifax Citizens' conversation Halifax details, visually friendly … [Read more...]

Smart Justice Community Dialogues: Some Background

The Smart Justice Network of Canada (SJNC) is organizing a series of community dialogue sessions across Canada in locations including Halifax, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver. These dialogues aim to tap into the experiences and knowledge of Canadians … [Read more...]

Mental health and criminal justice: a long and dysfunctional relationship (Ed McIsaac)

Mental health and criminal justice have a long and dysfunctional relationship. Inevitably it seems our desire for punishment overtakes both the needs of the individual offender suffering from mental illness and our collective long-term interest in … [Read more...]

Don Butler on restorative justice as justice for all: what it is, what it does, what the future may hold

This award-winning Ottawa Citizen series by Don Butler highlights with vivid examples and legal critique how the concept of ‘restorative justice’ is reshaping the way we think about criminals and crime. In eight parts it explores: the origins and … [Read more...]

Major harms flow from the criminal prohibition of drugs

The Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, a drug policy reform group, has identified several of the major harms that flow from the criminal prohibition of drugs. Eugene Oscapella has drawn much of the material for the following list from its website, … [Read more...]