March 22, 2016 Toronto Star – Daniel Brown Time to overhaul Canada’s unjust bail system “I can no longer call it a court of law,” Julia Lauzon, an Ottawa Justice of the Peace, said. “Unfortunately, Ottawa's bailout court, and others, have devolved … [Read more...]
State lawlessness …
February 22, 2016 Toronto Star – Joanna Smith Inquiry into missing aboriginal women must not ignore indigenous law, advocates say Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett wants to consider how and what parts of Indigenous law should and could … [Read more...]
Punishment doesn’t fix crime — or make us safe
There has certainly been plenty of crime and punishment talk in Canada recently. New laws put more people in prison longer, make it harder for them to get out, and make it more difficult for them to reintegrate into communities when they do. Public … [Read more...]
Leading Australian criminologist calls for restorative justice
Leading criminologist Professor John Braithwaite of the Australian National University, in a lecture at the University of Cape Town in 2012 captured on YouTube, argued that restorative justice focuses on the needs of the victims and of the offenders, … [Read more...]
Women behind bars
They're murderers and mothers, victims of abuse and mental-health patients. They are also ganged-up youngsters with nothing to lose. They're female criminals, and they are the fastest growing prison population in Canada. After all that's been done to … [Read more...]