Jan 19, 2023 CBC News – Metro Morning - Jason d’Souza Mayor John Tory defends new spending on police, 10-cent TTC fare hike on Metro Morning - Tory says many residents, business owners have pushed for bigger police presence in city What Tory is … [Read more...]
People like me don’t belong…
June 16, 2021 National Newswatch - Joan Bryden, Canadian Press Canada excoriated as racist failure during farewell speeches by departing MPs Those departing public office and the House of Commons have a rare opportunity to speak perhaps without as … [Read more...]
Another review…
April 30, 2021 Toronto Star – Jacques Gallant Ottawa announces independent review of military and promises external reporting system for sexual misconduct The news recently around the sexual assault and rape in the ranks of the Canadian Military … [Read more...]
Indigenous hunting rights…
April 24, 2021 Supreme Court of Canada – R vs Desautel - The Supreme Court of Canada rules that non-citizens and non-residents can claim an Aboriginal right under the Constitution. In what may be recognized as a significant and precedent … [Read more...]
Arbitrary Detention…
Feb 16, 2021 CBC News – Mike Blanchfield, Canadian Press Canada, dozens of allies, declare arbitrary detentions immoral amid Kovrig, Spavor In the pursuit of the release of the two Michaels (Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor) from Chinese … [Read more...]
Better or worse…
Sept 13, 2020 National Post (Canada) - Marni Soupcoff A popular anti-racism tool isn't working, and might be making things worse As the crisis with police / community relations looks to solutions, Soupcoff says that the usual antiracist tool for … [Read more...]