Dec 5, 2023 – Christmas behind bars…

Dec 5, 2023 – Christmas behind bars…   Criminal Library (UofT) “December's monthly highlight, Christmas Behind Bars, showcases issues from our penal press collection to explore the experience of the holidays while incarcerated. On display … [Read more...]

Love in public places…

June 18, 2021 Ottawa Citizen - Brigitte Pellerin More than ever, Canadians must reach for love and kindness - After Kamloops and London, our hearts are broken in so many places and I worry decisions we make in that state are not motivated by a … [Read more...]

Protecting children…

    Dec. 7, 2015  Toronto Star - Laurie Monsebraaten Ontario children’s advocate gets right to learn of child deaths This revelation has to be the ultimate in the left hand not knowing what the right was doing.  Irwin Elman, Ontario’s Provincial … [Read more...]

Truth in Sentencing and the SCC

April 18  Retired Judge Marion Lane Don’t Believe the Headlines: SCOC and the Truth in Sentencing Act   Judge Marion Lane served in the Ontario criminal courts and offers through her blog (mostly on legal matters) an analysis of the recent … [Read more...]

Hate crimes

 July 13, 2013  Peterborough Examiner - Brendan Wedley Peterborough had highest rate of reported hate crimes among cities in Canada in 2011: Statistics Canada   Statistics Canada has released a report on hate crimes in Canada.  The basis of the … [Read more...]