Dec. 8, 2021 Ottawa Citizen – Jeffrey Bradley, Irvin Waller City of Ottawa must budget for preventative approach to tackling violence - If done properly, evidence-based prevention can reduce serious crime dramatically in the next several years. … [Read more...]
First Emancipation Day…
July 30, 2021 Government of Canada – Heritage Canada Emancipation Day — August 1 Aug. 1, 1834, marks the day that the entire British Empire declared slaves emancipated from bondage. On March 24, 2021, the Canadian House of Commons declared this … [Read more...]
Prisoner Justice Day – Aug. 10
Aug 10, 2017 T.O.D.D Support & Advocacy Foundation (Alberta) "Somewhere in the human organism there is an ear that will listen, a mind that will open, a heartbeat that will quicken, and a voice that will clamour for the conversation of the … [Read more...]
Criminalizing mental illness…
May 1, 2017 Toronto Star – Michael Bryant and Graham Brown Judge exposes how we criminalize mental illness The authors, Bryant, a former Ontario Attorney General, and Brown a policy analyst from John Howard, are insistent that the justice system … [Read more...]
A tale of 3 cities…
April 25, 2017 CBC News – Ontario basic income pilot project to launch in Hamilton, Lindsay and Thunder Bay - Premier Wynne made the announcement at Liuna Station in Hamilton on Monday just after 9 a.m. You have to apply but there are no strings … [Read more...]
Alcohol and youth…
Nov 19, 2016 Blogger Russell Webster (UK) Alcohol and youth offending: Alcohol in the System: Report - An examination of alcohol and youth offending in London The report is a 12 month study of London youth implicated in the criminal justice … [Read more...]