I know that you love me…

June 3, 2021 Blogger Paula Simons - Senator Mary Jane McCallum, a residential school survivor, who was taken from her family at the age of 5. This is very hard to hear. Which is why you should hear it. “I know that you love … [Read more...]

Death from mental illness…

Feb 22, 2021 National Newswatch – Margaret Eaton Mental illness should never be a death sentence Eaton, National CEO of the Canadian Mental Health Association, is objecting to the possibility of MAID leading to terminating mentally ill patients as … [Read more...]


Dec 10, 2020 Senate of Canada – Sponsor Senator Kim Pate S-207 An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Independence of the judiciary) The bill has already passed first reading and the second reading is scheduled to start today.  The Bill aims at … [Read more...]

First responders…

Nov. 15, 2020 Toronto Star - Rachel Collier Health PEI ignores recommendation, adds police to mobile mental health units The decision in PEI marks a sharping of the focus for the composition of first response team when mental health is the primary … [Read more...]